
That’s all folks!.


Links 20th Jan…

Computer stuff:

  • The Line Of Death In web browsers, the browser itself usually fully controls the top of the window, while pixels under the top are under control of the site. I’ve recently heard this called the line of death.
  • Phone numbers are no proper verification stop using phone numbers as authentication. They are not secure, people don’t own them, they cant be easily replaced
  • Cartography comparison: Google Maps & Apple Maps  Both maps also prioritize different kinds of places: Google Maps heavily prioritizes transit, while Apple prioritizes landmarks.

Other Stuff:

Oct 05 Interesting Links…

Computer Stuff…


Other Stuff..


19th Sep….

Computer links:

Other Links:

  • Why Banks Are BASE Not ACID – Availability Is Revenue   BASE (Basically Available, Soft State, Eventually Consistent), ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). Availability correlates with revenue and consistency generally does not.
  • How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math The building blocks of understanding are memorization and repetition.The problem with focusing relentlessly on understanding is that math and science students can often grasp essentials of an important idea, but this understanding can quickly slip away without consolidation through practice and repetition…. practiced use to truly internalize concepts.
  • Self-Publish, don’t write for a Publisher the tools and technology are to a point where there is little redeeming value to writing for a publisher. The hardest part of writing a book is… writing the book. And a publisher can’t do much to help with that.


15th Jul links and stuff

Computer stuff:

Other Stuff:

  • Automated to Death As software pilots more of our vehicles, humans can pay the ultimate price. ..investigate the causes and consequences of the automation paradox.
  • E-Mail from Bill Sitting at my computer one day, I realized that I could try to communicate with Bill Gates, the chairman and co-founder of the software giant Microsoft, on the information highway

That’s it for now. 🙂


Jun 22nd links and stuff…

Computer Stuff:

  • UTF-8 Everywhere Manifesto Our goal is to promote usage and support of the UTF-8 encoding and to convince that it should be the default choice of encoding for storing text strings in memory or on disk, for communication and all other uses

Other Links:



Jun 08 Links…

Computer Links:

Other Links:

  • Why Britain banned mobile apps How did the UK reach an increasingly mobile population? Responsive websites, he replies. “For government services that we were providing, the web is a far far better way… and still works on mobile.”
  • Being privacy-aware in 2016 …there are some ways you can protect your privacy while browsing the Internet or visiting a new country. This is not an exhaustive list…



Jun 07 Links

Other stuff:

Computer stuff:


May 6th Links…

Computing links:

  • Claude Shannon: Tinkerer, Prankster, and Father of Information Theory Said to be one of the most important men of the Information Age. “..American mathematician and electrical engineer whose groundbreaking work laid out the theoretical foundation for modern digital communications”.
  • Rise of the Robots: Review and Reflection Book review of Martin Ford’s Rise of the Robots. The book considers the impact of the growth of information technology (IT) on the human labor market, and how the trend towards greater automation could eventually eliminate a substantial number of jobs. The result could be a radical, and disruptive, reshaping of the global economy.

Other Links:


April 28 Posts of interest

Links of interest:

ICT related: